
Episode #25 – Vaccines explained

Vismita Gupta-Smith Hello and welcome to Science in 5. I'm Vismita Gupta-Smith and this is WHO's conversations in science. We're going to continue our conversation on COVID-19 vaccines and explaining the science and evidence behind it is WHO's Chief Scientist Dr. Soumya Swaminathan. Welcome, Soumya.


The United States Pharmacopeia (USP): Global Seminar Series, Ensuring Quality Hand Sanitizer Production During COVID-19

USP is hosting a Global Seminar Series, Ensuring Quality Hand Sanitizer Production During COVID-19, to help ensure quality alcohol-based hand sanitizer production and support the safe use of alcohol-based hand sanitizer, February 25th, 2021.

For more information go to: USP Global Seminar Series: Ensuring Quality Hand Sanitizer Production During COVID-19 for Manufacturers and Healthcare Providers in Latin America – Event Summary | Online Registration by Cvent


Anvisa is approved for Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme – PIC/S

On Monday (30/11), Anvisa was formally informed of the successful completion of the Agency’s process of adhering to the Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme (PIC/S). Anvisa will become the 54th member of the international initiative in pharmaceutical inspection, and will have the international recognition of the excellence of inspections in Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) of medicines and pharmaceutical inputs for human use.


WHO: Mask use in the context of COVID-19: interim guidance, 1 December 2020

This document, which is an update of the guidance published on 5 June 2020, includes new scientific evidence relevant to the use of masks for reducing the spread of SARS-CoV-2, the virus  that causes COVID-19, and practical considerations. It contains updated evidence and guidance on the following:
• mask management;
• SARS-CoV-2 transmission;
• masking in health facilities in areas with community, cluster and sporadic transmission;
• mask use by the public in areas with community and cluster transmission;
• alternatives to non-medical masks for the public;
• exhalation valves on respirators and non-medical masks;
• mask use during vigorous intensity physical activity;
• essential parameters to be considered when manufacturing non-medical masks (Annex).

Mask use in the context of COVID-19: interim guidance, 1 December 2020 (


Brazil: Learn about Anvisa’s actions to face the COVID-19 pandemic (In Portuguese)


Vacina: nota de esclarecimento da Anvisa

26/11/2020 16h53


Vacina: Anvisa recebe documentos para submissão contínua

Empresa Pfizer protocolou documentos relativos às fases não-clínicas e clínicas I e II. A submissão contínua ainda não é o pedido de registro.

26/11/2020 13h50


Webinar da Anvisa: atuação da farmacovigilância na pandemia

Na terça-feira (1º/12), às 15h, a Agência irá realizar um seminário virtual sobre as ações de farmacovigilância no enfrentamento da Covid-19. Participe!

25/11/2020 09h48


Pandemia pode aumentar o risco de resistência microbiana

Problema pode ser agravado e acelerado por conta do uso indevido de antibióticos.

20/11/2020 09h25


Anvisa esclarece sobre inspeções em fábricas chinesas

Brasil irá inspecionar as plantas de produção específicas das vacinas contra Covid-19 na China.