
Ecuador: Cancellation of the Registry (marketing authorization) of medication ABCERTIN (imiglucerase)

The National Agency for Health Regulation, Control and Surveillance (Arcsa) informs the public that the Registry (marketing authorization) No. 22-MB3-0515 granted to the company ISU ABXIS CO. Has been definitively canceled. LTD., Through its legal representative MEDICAMENTA ECUATORIANA S.A., for the drug ABCERTIN (imiglucerase) 200 U CONCENTRATE POWDER FOR SOLUTION FOR PERFUSION.

The action responds to the fact that it has been verified that the medication has not been commercialized for a period of one year, which is why the company has the obligation to withdraw the stocks that are kept in the general market. Similarly, Arcsa requests not to commercialize, use or consume the drug ABCERTIN (imiglucerase) 200 U CONCENTRATE POWDER FOR SOLUTION FOR PERFUSION.

Additionally, citizens are invited to report on the sale or distribution of products without an Ecuadorian Health Registry or that come from dubious origin through the application “Arcsa Móvil”, or email


Panama: advertising and marketing in media related to products that have an impact on the health of the population

With the participation of more than 80 representatives of Advertising Agencies, Law Firms and Pharmaceutical Houses, the Ministry of Health (MINSA) held an important discussion on Resolution No. 1293, of June 20, 2018, which approves the Internal Regulation of the Advertising and Propaganda Commission, focused on the procedures of approval of advertising and propaganda in the media for the approval or not of materials related to products, materials, equipment or services that have an impact on the health of the population of the Republic of Panama.

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Ministries of Health from the Americas meet at PAHO to discuss health priorities in the Region

Health authorities will meet from September 23 to 27 in Washington D.C, to discuss plans to reduce the shortage in health personnel, lower the burden of cervical cancer, and improve the health of women, children and adolescents. In addition to this, the President of Uruguay, Tabaré Vázquez will be named Health Hero of the Americas.

Washington, D.C., 20 September 2018 (PAHO/WHO) – Ministers of Health and senior authorities from member countries and territories of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) will meet from September 23 to 27 in Washington, D.C, United States, to establish priorities and plans to address the main health challenges faced by the Region of the Americas.

During the 56th Directing Council, health authorities of the Americas will discuss a series of plans to reduce the shortage in health personnel, lower the number of cases of, and deaths from cervical cancer, and improve the health of women, children and adolescents. They will also discuss action plans to improve vector control in order to prevent diseases such as malaria, Zika and Chagas disease.

The President of Uruguay, Tabaré Vázquez, will be named Health Hero of the Americas, PAHO’s highest distinction, in recognition of his leadership in the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases, as well as for his actions to ensure tobacco control in his Uruguay, which has been an example to the world.

At the opening ceremony of the Directing Council, which will take place on Sunday 23 September, the Director of PAHO, Carissa F. Etienne, will take the floor, as will the Assistant Secretary General of the Organization of American States, Néstor Méndez; the Secretary of Health of Honduras, Octavio Sánchez; and the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Alex Azar (to be confirmed).

On the eve of the 40th anniversary of the First International Conference on Primary Health Care, in Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan in 1978, where countries committed to achieving “health for all”, the Director of PAHO will also present her annual report which, this year, focuses on primary health care.

In the framework of this, delegates will receive a preview of the report from the High-level Commission that proposes solutions to expand health access and coverage in the region of the Americas by 2030, leaving no one behind. The High-level Commission of the “Universal Health in the 21st Century: 40 Years of Alma-Ata” Regional Forum is chaired by the former President of Chile, Michelle Bachellet. A parallel event to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Declaration of Alma-Ata will also be held.

Health authorities will also receive a preview of a report on health inequalities in the region, which was prepared by the Commission on Equity and Health Inequalities, chaired by Sir Michael Marmot, from the Institute of Health Equity at University College London.

Various other side events will be held in parallel to the Directing Council. These include an event to discuss issues related to the elimination of trans fats, and the 40-year anniversary of the Declaration of Alma-Ata. The application of International Health Regulations (IHR), road safety, maternal mortality, climate change and bioethics, among other topics, will also be discussed.

The Directing Council of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) brings together ministers of health and high-level delegates of the PAHO/WHO Member States in Washington, D.C. (USA) to discuss and analyze regional health policies and set priorities for technical cooperation and collaboration among countries.


—  56th Directing Council documents
—  56th Directing Council





Brazil: ANVISA’s international cooperation for the structuring of blood and blood products services in Honduras

Anvisa participated in a mission to train inspectors for the inspection of blood establishments in Honduras. About 30 technicians from the Health Secretariat of that country will be trained.

The international mission is comprised of two stages: a theoretical workshop (17-21 / 9) and hands-on training with visits to three Honduran blood and blood derivatives services (24-28/9).

The actions are part of the Project to Support the Strengthening of the National Blood and Hemodynamic System in Honduras, which includes Anvisa, the Ministry of Health and the Brazilian Hemoderivative and Biotechnology Company (Hemobrás). The initiative will contribute to the process of structuring Honduran services and strengthening the area of ​​health surveillance of blood products in that country.

For Anvisa, this kind of technical cooperation is important because it reinforces the agency’s role as a model and reference in the area of ​​blood and blood products in Latin America, as well as contributing to the consolidation of health actions in other countries, especially Latin American countries.

The opening of the first phase of the training was attended by the Brazilian ambassador to Honduras, Breno Diaz da Costa, and the Embassy’s minister-counselor Francisco Resende, as well as regulatory expert Christiane Costa, Anvisa. Also present at the opening ceremony were a representative of the Sanitary Vigilance of Rio de Janeiro, Carlos Dias, and a representative of the Hemocentro Foundation of Ribeirão Preto (SP), Ana Paula Zanelli.



Argentina: ANMAT attending at important international forum on medical devices

From September 18 to 20, ANMAT is attending at the International Medical Devices Regulators Forum (IMDRF), in the city of Beijing, People’s Republic of China. In this context, the Administration was distinguished to represent the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO / WHO) to present the work and the regulatory updates, regarding the aforementioned products, in the Americas region.

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Chile: XV International Meeting of Pharmacovigilance of the Americas

The Institute of Public Health of Chile (ISP), together with the Ministry of Health of Chile and the Pan American Health Organization PAHO/WHO are organizing the XV International Meeting of Pharmacovigilance of the Americas. The event will be held on October 11th and 12th, 2018.

This event is an open call that brings together: the regulatory agencies of the Americas region, PAHO/WHO, health professionals, healthcare centers, the academy and the pharmaceutical industry, with the objective of discussing mainly, issues related to pharmacovigilance, safety and rational use of medicines. The realization of these annual meetings, have generated great impact on drug safety issues, allowing the strengthening of pharmacovigilance activities in the countries of the region. The first eight versions of these meetings took place in Colombia. Since 2012, this event has rotated through different countries of the region, including: Brazil, Peru and Panama. This year and for the first time, Chile was chosen to host this important meeting, a unique instance to listen to important pharmacovigilance experts.

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Costa Rica: Working visit of the International Energy Agency to strengthen the role in radiological safety

The Minister of Health, Dr. Giselle Amador, received the final recommendations from the special mission of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The recommendations were presented by Mr. Ahmad Al Khatibeh, Head of the Delegation, advisor, of the Department of Technological Safety and Nuclear Safety.

The work visit was at the request of the Ministry of Health of Costa Rica, to the IAEA, with the intention of strengthening its role as regulatory authority in radiological safety. The 3 days of work included an integrated review of the regulatory framework for the advice process and delivery of recommendations.

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Bolivia, Estado Plurinacional: Agemed clarifies that only seven batches of medicines will be withdrawn from the market

The State Agency for Medicines and Health Technologies (AGEMED) of the Ministry of Health ordered the withdrawal of seven batches of medicines consisting of Amoxicillin 500mg 5ml, Bronquise-dan menthol, Complex B 20mg 5mg 10ug / 3ml, Amoxicris duo 500mg / 125mg, Albex 400mg, Decamil and Tobracol 0.3g / 100g. The commercialization of other lots with the same drugs was authorized.

“These batches of medicines were observed due to quality problems, according to the results of the CONCAMYT Medicines and Toxicology Quality Control Laboratory analysis,” said Patricia Tames, Executive Director of Agemed, on Friday.

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