
29 March- Webinar RedETSA in Spanish – Modelo Web de Análisis de Impacto Presupuestario

We would like to share with you the invitation received in its original language (Spanish) to participate in the Health Technology Assessment Network of the Americas (Red de Evaluación de Tecnologías en Salud de las Américas – RedETSA) webinar program on 29 March, 11am (EST) where Alfredo Palacios, Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria (IECS) will discuss the “Web model of budget impact analysis”.

The link that will be used to access this Webinar is available as follows:


Caribbean Regulatory System Recommends Hepatitis C Cure    

Recently, the CARPHA/CRS recommended Gilead’s Epclusa (sofosbuvir 400mg/velpatasvir 100mg) film-coated tablet for the treatment of Hepatitis C.

The product is the first combination of its kind, and is listed on the WHO Essential Medicine List. It is also a first line therapy as recommended by WHO. The rationale for such an important status is that Epclusa is curative for all genotypes of Hepatitis C. If not treated, Hepatitis C can lead to negative health outcomes like liver failure and cancer.

This is a significant development for patients in CARICOM because there are estimated to be perhaps 100,000 cases of Hepatitis C in the region, but few authorized treatments. Epclusa, for example, does not have marketing authorization in any CARICOM state. It is also significant for public health. Cures such as this one are critical to strategies to eliminate Hepatitis C in the Americas.

Patients need access to these innovative therapies quickly, and major manufacturers are increasingly using the CRS because of the efficiencies it brings in speeding access to medicines. The CARPHA/CRS pools CARICOM markets together and offers a single portal of entry to the region’s 17 million people with one set of internationally recognized standards, and accelerated and transparent timelines. It is a major improvement over the current status quo in regulation of medicines, where products can take years to receive approval in the different national systems of CARICOM.

The list of recommended products is growing by the month and can be found here.

 For more information go to


Chile: Presencia de partículas Cloxinato de Lisina Solución inyectable 100 mg/2 ml

Alerta Farmacéutica 2/19 – Retiro del Mercado

Clonixinato de Lisina Solución Inyectable 100mg/2 mL. (analgésico, antiinflamatorio no esteroidal (Aines)

Serie 75MH1541 – 75ML2081.

Fecha de vencimiento: 08/2021 – 11/2021

Fabricante: Laboratorio Sanderson S.A/Chile

Descripción del defecto: Presencia de partículas, cuyo origen se encuentra en estudio.

más informaciones por el enlaceículas%20clonixinato%20de%20lisina…..pdf


Mexico advances in consolidated procurement of vaccines and medicines

They set up an analysis to discuss Mexico’s participation in the Revolving and Strategic Funds of PAHO / WHO.

As an active member of the PAHO / WHO Pan-American and World Health Organizations, Mexico seeks the direct purchase of certain vaccines and medicines through Revolving and Strategic Funds from these international organizations, from which it would obtain benefits with respect to the prices offered.

For more information go to 


ANVISA: Use of mercury is prohibited in health products

Prohibition became effective as of January 1, 2019. Measure is the result of the Minamata convention.

The manufacture, importation and commercialization of thermometers and pressure meters that use a column of mercury for health diagnosis is prohibited. The measure also includes a ban on the use of such equipment in health services, which will have to dispose of the solid waste containing mercury, according to the norms defined by Anvisa (Resolution of the Collegiate Board of Directors – RDC 306/2004) and Environmental Bodies (Federal and State ).

The measure was defined by the Resolution of Collegiate Board of Directors – RDC 145/2017, and entered into force on Tuesday (1/1). The prohibition of thermometers and sphygmomanometers, as technically called mercury column pressure meters, is a result of the Minamata Convention. The convention was signed by Brazil and 140 countries in 2013 and aims to eliminate the use of mercury in different products such as batteries, lamps and health equipment, among others.

For more information go to ANVISA


New revision of WHO Global Benchmarking Tool (GBT) for evaluation of national regulatory systems

The GBT Revision VI replaces all tools previously used by WHO, representing the first truly ‘global’ tool for benchmarking regulatory systems. The GBT is designed to evaluate the overarching regulatory framework and the component regulatory functions (e.g. clinical trial oversight) through a series of sub-indicators that may also be grouped and examined according to nine cross-cutting categories or themes, for example, quality and risk management system. Fact sheets have been developed for each sub-indicator to guide the benchmarking team and ensure consistency in the evaluation, documentation and rating of the sub-indicator.

The GBT also incorporates the concept of ‘maturity level’ or ML (adapted from ISO 9004), allowing WHO and regulatory authorities to assess the overall ‘maturity’ of the regulatory system on a scale of 1 ( existence of some elements of regulatory system) to 4 (operating at advanced level of performance and continuous improvement). Revision VI of the GBT is comparable to Revision V while at the same time incorporating refinements intended to improve its usability.

WHO intends to use Revision VI of the GBT to evaluate and publicly designate WHO-listed authorities (WLAs) that have been objectively documented to perform at ML 3 or ML 4*. The proposed definition for WLAs and process by which this designation or ‘listing’ would occur will be the subject of a concept note that will be made available for public consultation in early 2019.

GBT Revision VI was developed to benchmark the regulatory systems for medicines and vaccines, but with a view to incorporating other product types in the future. Future revisions are expected to address blood products (including whole blood, blood components and plasma-derived medicinal products) and medical devices, including diagnostics. Beta versions of these tools have been developed and are expected to be finalized in 2019.

For more information go to


High Blood Pressure and Cancer Medicines on CARPHA Caribbean Regulatory System Recommendation List

The Caribbean Regulatory System (CRS) recently recommended its first non-communicable disease (NCD) medicines, including amlodipine for high blood pressure and anastrozole for breast cancer. The Caribbean is the worst affected sub-region in the Americas for NCDs, which are a leading cause of premature mortality, making up about half of all deaths of people under 70.

The recommended medicines are some of the most important tools that health providers and patients have to correct dangerous conditions like high blood pressure and cancer. For example, amlodipine is recognized as a critically effective blood pressure lowering medicine and is one of the most highly purchased products in the sub-region. Anastrozole is a key treatment in breast cancer and is listed on the World Health Organization’s (WHO) list of essential medicines.

Commenting on the development Dr. Virginia Asin-Oostburg, Director of Surveillance, Disease Prevention and Control at CARPHA who manages the CRS programme said, “This marks an important new milestone for assuring quality NCD medicines in the region, where we know regulatory capacity can be limited due to small populations and few human resources.“  She further noted that each medicine has to be pre-approved by a strong regulatory authority like the United States Food and Drug Administration or the World Health Organization, and be suitable for the Region, before it can be recommended by the CRS to CARICOM member states.

There are more NCD medicines under review at the CRS, and a goal of the program is to have recommended quality versions of all NCD medicines listed on WHO’s list of essential medicines.



El Salvador a model in drug regulation for the Central American region.

The National Director of Drugs, Dr. Leonor Morales de Acosta presented the report of accountability for the period from June 2017 to May 2018, in which she highlights important achievements.

Dr. de Acosta, highlighted that now El Salvador has a market of quality medicines and fair prices, also reported that the market has been revitalized with the registration of more than 6 thousand new medicines which guarantees the supply and availability of more therapeutic options for patients.

“Another achieved unprecedented for the Central American region has been the regulation of retail prices, El Salvador now has the lowest prices in the region, consequently the population has saved a significant amount of money, in these 6 years saving in the pocket has been about 500 million dollars, “said the head of the DNM.

For more information


Constituted the Regulatory Group for the containment of antimicrobial resistance in Cuba

On December 19, 2018, the CECMED workshop was held to initiate the collection of information on the timely prevalence study of antimicrobial use, within the WHO / PAHO Project “Initiative of the National Regulatory Agencies of medicines for the containment of resistance. antimicrobial in the framework of regional and global plans on the subject “.

Hospital researchers included in this research, specialists from CECMED and from the OPS Cuba Coordination participated in it. The objective of the meeting was to update the participants on the implementation of the project and to instruct the researchers in the proposed methodology for the collection of information.

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