El Salvador and Brazil exchange experiences on pharmacovigilance
[Original text in Spanish]
The National Directorate of Medicines of El Salvador (DNM) and the National Health Surveillance Agency of Brazil (ANVISA) exchange experiences on pharmacovigilance in the framework of the Bilateral Cooperation Program between El Salvador and Brazil 2017-2019.
Both Medicines Regulatory Authorities develop training among their members and the pharmaceutical industry to strengthen health surveillance and regulation. Part of these activities were developed in the facilities of the DNM, on dates of May 7 to 10, 2018.
The training program was attended by Adalton Guimarães Ribeiro, Technical Director of Pharmacovigilance and Fernanda Simioni Gasparotto, Specialist in Health Regulation and Surveillance of ANVISA.
The specialists provided technical knowledge for the sector of the pharmaceutical industry on specific topics such as: Pharmacovigilance Master File, Minimum Standard Operating Procedures for the operation of a Pharmacovigilance system in the Industry, Pharmacovigilance Inspections in the Pharmaceutical Industry, Periodic Safety Updat Report, Risk Management Plan, and Spontaneos Adverse Events Report.
For more information go to http://www.medicamentos.gob.sv/index.php/es/secciones-m/noticias-dnm/261-dnm-y-anvisa