Ventilator Correction: Philips Updates Use Instructions for Trilogy Evo, EvoO2, EV300, Evo Universal, Aeris EVO, Garbin Evo, and LifeVent EVO2 due to Risk of Inaccurate Flow Measurements Caused By Certain In-Line Nebulizer Placements
Ventilator Correction: Philips Updates Use Instructions for Trilogy Evo, EvoO2, EV300, Evo Universal, Aeris EVO, Garbin Evo, and LifeVent EVO2 due to Risk of Inaccurate Flow Measurements Caused By Certain In-Line Nebulizer Placements
Murilo Freitas - 05:00, 18 de November de 2024101
Inline nebulizers in certain configutations on Trilogy Evo continuous ventilators may lead to inaccurate flow measurements which may cause patient injury.