
Costa Rica: Working visit of the International Energy Agency to strengthen the role in radiological safety

The Minister of Health, Dr. Giselle Amador, received the final recommendations from the special mission of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The recommendations were presented by Mr. Ahmad Al Khatibeh, Head of the Delegation, advisor, of the Department of Technological Safety and Nuclear Safety.

The work visit was at the request of the Ministry of Health of Costa Rica, to the IAEA, with the intention of strengthening its role as regulatory authority in radiological safety. The 3 days of work included an integrated review of the regulatory framework for the advice process and delivery of recommendations.

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Bolivia, Estado Plurinacional: Agemed clarifies that only seven batches of medicines will be withdrawn from the market

The State Agency for Medicines and Health Technologies (AGEMED) of the Ministry of Health ordered the withdrawal of seven batches of medicines consisting of Amoxicillin 500mg 5ml, Bronquise-dan menthol, Complex B 20mg 5mg 10ug / 3ml, Amoxicris duo 500mg / 125mg, Albex 400mg, Decamil and Tobracol 0.3g / 100g. The commercialization of other lots with the same drugs was authorized.

“These batches of medicines were observed due to quality problems, according to the results of the CONCAMYT Medicines and Toxicology Quality Control Laboratory analysis,” said Patricia Tames, Executive Director of Agemed, on Friday.

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ANMAT and Cofepris sign agreement to facilitate the exchange of inspection reports in the pharmaceutical industry

The ANMAT and the Ministry of Health of Mexico, through its Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks (Cofepris), signed an inter-institutional agreement on inspection records.

The objective is to facilitate cooperation in the exchange of inspection records in the pharmaceutical industry to “promote the development of a unified mechanism for the validation of inspections to verify compliance with Good Manufacturing Practices for Medicines”.

This agreement is part of the fulfillment of the commitments assumed in 2012 by the National Regulatory Authorities of Regional Reference to implement mechanisms for the exchange of inspection reports on Good Manufacturing Practices.



Colombia: The frontal fight against corruption and illegality is bearing fruit in a process initiated by the General Directorate of INVIMA in 2016

The Office of the Prosecutor General of the Nation (FGN) captured 14 people (12 Invima officials, 1 intermediary and 1 businesswoman) for allegedly managing and issuing health records with false documents, marketing confiscated products, altering or disappearing sanctions and conducting non-formal prior audits that supposedly guaranteed to overcome with success the official inspections that the Institute does.

These captures are the result of an investigation initiated by the FGN in 2016 thanks to the complaints presented by the General Directory of Invima. The Director General of Invima, Dr. Javier Humberto Guzmán Cruz, and the Attorney General of the Nation Doctor Nestor Humberto Martinez, made the case known to the country at a press conference on August 29, 2018.

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Mexico: Health regulation agency of Honduras receives advice from COFEPRIS

The Honduran Delegation had technical meetings, during three days, to know the organization, normativity, operation and results of the COFEPRIS.

The Honduran Delegation, during three days of this week, had technical meetings to know the organization, normativity, operation and results of the COFEPRIS; They visited the Commission for Analytical Control and Extension of Coverage (CCAyAC) where they learned about the various analytical processes, resolutions and technical opinions for food, medicines and medical devices.

The Federal Commissioner, Julio Sánchez and Tépoz, received the Honduran delegation in their offices, and spoke to them about the strengthening of the Mexican regulatory system and that COFEPRIS, being a National Level IV Reference Agency, is mandated to support the strengthening of other regulatory authorities. He also commented on the international programs of PAHO / WHO that they can access to modernize their operation for protection against health risks.

It was agreed to define a work plan for the implementation of recommendations in the ARSA by COFEPRIS, establish direct communication channels between both regulatory agencies and work on a collaborative instrument to formalize and promote cooperation ties.

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Dominica: The Budget for 2018 – 2019 and the seven (7) pillars of World Health Organization (WHO)/Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) for the health sector.

Survival – The Year No-One Could Have Expected

On the evening of 18th September 2017, a merciless Maria passed over Dominica as a Category 5 hurricane, striking with winds in excess of 175 miles per hour, reshaped Dominica’s social, physical and economic landscape and threaten the future viability as a nation.

Currently, the Government has presented on July 2018 The National Budget Of The Commonwealth of Dominica Fiscal Year 2018 – 2019, “From Survival, To Sustainability And Success: A Resilient Dominica”.

This important document addressed that the Ministry of Health and Social Service will focus on the seven (7) pillars of World Health Organization (WHO)/Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) which capture the building blocks for health systems strengthening. These are service delivery, health workforce, health information system, access to essential medicine, financing, leadership/governance and community participation.

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FDA Webinar: Building Confidence in Generic Narrow Therapeutic Index (NTI) Drugs, September 18, 2018

FDA’s Division of Drug Information in the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) is excited to present a series of educational webinars targeting the needs of all health care professionals and students, including physicians, physician assistants, nurses, pharmacists, and pharmacy technicians. Interact with FDA staff from a variety of divisions and learn more about the FDA and drug regulation!

On Tuesday, September 18, 2018, at 1:00PM (EDT), CDER’s Office of Communication, Division of Drug Information (DDI) will host a webinar titled: FDA Drug Topics: Building Confidence in Generic Narrow Therapeutic Index (NTI) Drugs. This webinar will introduce the general characteristics of Narrow Therapeutic Index or NTI drugs and discuss FDA’s innovative approach and criteria for generic NTI drug equivalence evaluation. In addition, we will discuss results from a bioequivalence study comparing brand and generic tacrolimus (an NTI drug) capsules in stable transplant patients to address patients’ and health practitioners’ questions regarding substitutability of generic immunosuppressant drugs.

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Uruguay: Therapeutic Drug Formulary adds treatment of retinitis due to cystogalovirus in patients with HIV infection and treatment for Hepatitis C

The Ministry of Health of Uruguay publishes a modification of the Therapeutic Drug Formulary that adds treatment of retinitis due to cytomegalovirus in patients with HIV infection to the VALGANCICLOVIR medicines coverage plan and incorporates the treatment of patients with Hepatitis virus infection C for the association of SOFOSBUVIR + VELPATASVIR.



FDA Mobile Apps: Tools To Keep You Informed

FDA Mobile Apps


 Drugs@FDA Express

Search and browse FDA-approved brand name and generic prescription and over-the-counter human drugs and biological therapeutic products by drug name, active ingredient, or application number.

Orange Book Express 2.0

Get information about drug products approved by FDA based on safety and effectiveness, find patent and exclusivity information, and look up drugs that have the same therapeutic effect.

NDC Express

Look up the unique National Drug Code (NDC) numbers of all drug products commercially distributed in the U.S.

Drug Shortages 2

Quickly find and get alerts about current drug shortages, resolved shortages, and discontinuations of drug products.

Learn more about FDA Apps :


Sentinel Network: integration is one of the themes of encounter

São Paulo é responsável por cerca de metade das doações de órgãos

Anvisa, in partnership with the Sírio Libanês Hospital, held the 16th National Meeting of the Sentinel Network – Experiencing Innovation for Patient Safety. The event, which took place in São Paulo, Brazil, from 7 to 9 August, was attended by about 350 of almost all the hospitals that make up the Sentinela Network.


Sentinel Network

The Sentinel Network is made up of partners from about 250 hospitals that, since 2002, subsidize the National Health Surveillance System (SNVS) with reports of adverse events and technical complaints regarding the use of health products, medicines, blood and blood products. The 16th National Meeting of the Sentinela Network brought together professionals from various health areas who work with risk management and patient safety.


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