
Ventilator Correction: Philips Updates Use Instructions for Trilogy Evo, EvoO2, EV300, Evo Universal, Aeris EVO, Garbin Evo, and LifeVent EVO2 due to Risk of Inaccurate Flow Measurements Caused By Certain In-Line Nebulizer Placements

Inline nebulizers in certain configutations on Trilogy Evo continuous ventilators may lead to inaccurate flow measurements which may cause patient injury.


Battery Pack Correction: Smiths Medical Updates Use Instructions for CADD-Solis Li-ion Rechargeable Battery Packs Due to Risk That Pack Damage May Cause a Circuit Short and Prevent Recharge

Battery casing damage on CADD-Solis battery packs, which provide alternate power to infusion pumps, may cause a circuit short and prevent recharging.


Endoscopic Vessel Harvesting System Recall: Getinge and Maquet Cardiovascular Remove VasoView HemoPro 1 and 1.5 Endoscopic Vessel

HemoPro EVH Systems are being recalled due to a risk for silicone to detach from the device and enter the patient during minimally invasive surgery.