
Uruguay: Therapeutic Drug Formulary adds treatment of retinitis due to cystogalovirus in patients with HIV infection and treatment for Hepatitis C

The Ministry of Health of Uruguay publishes a modification of the Therapeutic Drug Formulary that adds treatment of retinitis due to cytomegalovirus in patients with HIV infection to the VALGANCICLOVIR medicines coverage plan and incorporates the treatment of patients with Hepatitis virus infection C for the association of SOFOSBUVIR + VELPATASVIR.



FDA Mobile Apps: Tools To Keep You Informed

FDA Mobile Apps


 Drugs@FDA Express

Search and browse FDA-approved brand name and generic prescription and over-the-counter human drugs and biological therapeutic products by drug name, active ingredient, or application number.

Orange Book Express 2.0

Get information about drug products approved by FDA based on safety and effectiveness, find patent and exclusivity information, and look up drugs that have the same therapeutic effect.

NDC Express

Look up the unique National Drug Code (NDC) numbers of all drug products commercially distributed in the U.S.

Drug Shortages 2

Quickly find and get alerts about current drug shortages, resolved shortages, and discontinuations of drug products.

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Sentinel Network: integration is one of the themes of encounter

São Paulo é responsável por cerca de metade das doações de órgãos

Anvisa, in partnership with the Sírio Libanês Hospital, held the 16th National Meeting of the Sentinel Network – Experiencing Innovation for Patient Safety. The event, which took place in São Paulo, Brazil, from 7 to 9 August, was attended by about 350 of almost all the hospitals that make up the Sentinela Network.


Sentinel Network

The Sentinel Network is made up of partners from about 250 hospitals that, since 2002, subsidize the National Health Surveillance System (SNVS) with reports of adverse events and technical complaints regarding the use of health products, medicines, blood and blood products. The 16th National Meeting of the Sentinela Network brought together professionals from various health areas who work with risk management and patient safety.


More information by link 


Health Canada: Medical Device Cybersecurity

August 15, 2018

Reference Number: 18-108099-160

In recent years, there has been a dramatic increase in the level of interconnectedness and data exchange between medical devices and their network environments. Increased connectivity in medical devices can: improve access to health care information; facilitate more timely diagnoses and treatments; and, improve access to care for patients. However, it can leave medical devices vulnerable to unauthorized access in a manner similar to computer systems. These vulnerabilities can impact the safety of the medical device by affecting clinical operations, causing diagnostic errors, or causing direct harm to patients.

For more information go to 


Dominican Republic Ministry of Health and PAHO follow up construction of Blood Donor Center

[Original text in Spanish]

The Ministry of Public Health and the Pan American Health Organization / World Health Organization (PAHO / WHO) held a meeting this Monday to follow up on the construction progress of the Santo Domingo Blood Donor Center.

At the meeting, Dr. Rafael Sánchez Cárdenas, Minister of Health and Alma Morales Salinas, representing the PAHO / WHO, explained that the final touches are being put to put into operation the Blood Donor Center that will come to supply the needs and the blood deficit existing in the country.

More information by the link:


Peru: Application of the General Directorate of Drugs, Supplies and Drugs (Digemid) receives certification in Good Practices of Public Management 2018

The AhorroMED application of the Directorate General of Medicines, Supplies and Drugs (Digemid) of the Ministry of Health, received the Good Public Management Practices 2018 certification, granted by the Citizens to the Day (CAD) organization in the Transparency and Access to Information category as part of the State’s efforts to better serve the citizenry.

For more information go to


Mexico: proposals for public policies in health and clinical research

Seminar “Advances and Perspectives of Clinical Research in Mexico”, brings together the heads of research institutes, national health, health regulation and representatives of the pharmaceutical industry.

For more information go to


Uruguay: Comunicado medicamento LASA

Teniendo en cuenta que existen medicamentos inyectables de pequeño volumen con diferentes principios activos y envases primarios similares, el Ministerio de Salud Publica alerta a las instituciones de salud a extremar las precauciones en la gestión de los mismos.

A modo de ejemplo, existen medicamentos conteniendo ácido tranexámico inyectable, cuya presentación autorizada es ampollas de vidrio incoloro por 5 ml, y medicamentos conteniendo bupivacaína inyectable, cuya presentación autorizada es ampollas de vidrio incoloro por 4 ml.

Los eventos adversos basados en la confusión de envases similares son prevenibles y en esto se trabaja activamente a nivel mundial

En Uruguay siguiendo las recomendaciones nacionales e internacionales las Instituciones de salud vienen desarrollando estrategias tendientes a disminuir la presencia de medicamentos de aspecto o sonido similar conocidos como LASA (Look-alike, sound-alike) y a gestionarlos mediante una identificación y almacenamiento adecuado.

Estas estrategias no exoneran al personal sanitario de las buenas prácticas relacionadas a verificar la identidad del medicamento a administrar, mediante una lectura atenta y con criterio, de la información contenida en el envase primario para no incurrir en automatización del uso de los mismos, y a su vez, definir las especificaciones de rotulación de los diferentes dispositivos utilizados para la administración de los medicamentos, una vez que se ha descartado el envase primario original (jeringas, vías, etc.).

Para disminuir los errores relacionados a medicación de alto riesgo se requiere un fuerte compromiso de la industria, las instituciones y los profesionales de la salud.

Entre otras estrategias que se desarrollan, el MSP conformó un grupo de trabajo que elaboró una Ordenanza para definir los criterios de rotulación para envases primarios de medicamentos de pequeño volumen de uso parenteral, la que será aprobada a la brevedad.



Cooperation between Suriname and PAHO to improve radiological diagnostic

The devices are important for quality control measurements on devices of the diagnostic radiology. With the donated measuring devices, a thorough quality control system can be set up so that faults in the devices of the diagnostic radiology can be detected and solved at an early stage. In addition, the measuring devices are also used for quality measurements, resulting in a higher quality of radiology services. This reduces the chance of misdiagnosis due to malfunctioning X-ray machines.

The next step after the handover is the training of personnel in use of the measuring equipment to perform measurements on the radiology devices in their institution. The training sessions take place in the period from 30 July to 4 August 2018. The training is also sponsored by the PAHO.
