Technicians of the Zonal Coordination 3 of the National Agency of Regulation, Control and Sanitary Vigilance (Arcsa) visited laboratories of natural products of Ambato, with the aim of verifying the hygienic-sanitary conditions, storage and production processes used for the elaboration of this type of products that are distributed nationwide.
“This type of inspection is carried out permanently throughout the area in order to provide recommendations for improvement in the development of natural products and food supplements, to protect the health of the population that consumes them,” said Carlos Barreno, technician of the Coordination Zonal 3 of Arcsa.
As part of the control, it was verified that the products comply with the approved labeling in the Sanitary Registry, as well as with the current sanitary regulations, to avoid possible cases of misleading advertising and confusion in the nutritional and therapeutic properties of said products.

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