Mexico: Health regulation agency of Honduras receives advice from COFEPRIS

The Honduran Delegation had technical meetings, during three days, to know the organization, normativity, operation and results of the COFEPRIS.
The Honduran Delegation, during three days of this week, had technical meetings to know the organization, normativity, operation and results of the COFEPRIS; They visited the Commission for Analytical Control and Extension of Coverage (CCAyAC) where they learned about the various analytical processes, resolutions and technical opinions for food, medicines and medical devices.
The Federal Commissioner, Julio Sánchez and Tépoz, received the Honduran delegation in their offices, and spoke to them about the strengthening of the Mexican regulatory system and that COFEPRIS, being a National Level IV Reference Agency, is mandated to support the strengthening of other regulatory authorities. He also commented on the international programs of PAHO / WHO that they can access to modernize their operation for protection against health risks.
It was agreed to define a work plan for the implementation of recommendations in the ARSA by COFEPRIS, establish direct communication channels between both regulatory agencies and work on a collaborative instrument to formalize and promote cooperation ties.
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