With the commitment to redouble efforts to ensure that Peruvians have access to quality, safe and effective medicines, the pharmacist Enma Violeta Córdova Espinoza, assumed the position of Director General of the Directorate General of Medicines, Supplies and Drugs (Digemid) of the Ministry of Health (Minsa).

During his presentation to the workers of the institution, Córdova said that his management will be characterized by promoting a joint and comprehensive work with the servers of Digemid, in order to strengthen its regulatory role and contribute to the health care of Peruvians.

His management will be characterized by dialogue and open doors, he announced that efforts will be redoubled in order to achieve recognition as “National Regulatory Authority of Regional Reference for medicines and biological products Level IV”, the highest rating awarded the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO / WHO).

The former director general of the Digemid Susana Vásquez, thanked the support of the institution’s servants during her administration and highlighted the commitment they demonstrate to the health of our population.

Source: http://www.digemid.minsa.gob.pe/main.asp?Seccion=3&IdItem=2128