
Strengthening and implementing health technology assessment and the decision-making process in the Region of the Americas


Lessa, Fernanda

Caccavo, Francisco

Curtis, Stephanie

Ouimet-Rathé, Stéphanie

Lemgruber, Alexandre


Rev Panam Salud Publica;41, dec. 2017

Objective. Health technology assessment (HTA) has been adopted by countries in order to improve allocative efficiency in their health systems. This study aimed to describe and analyze the HTA decision-making process in the Region of the Americas. Methods. A literature review was done to better understand the HTA situation in the Region. Also, in 2014 and 2015, individuals responsible for conducting HTA in countries of the Americas were identified and received a questionnaire on HTA and the decision-making process. Results. A total of 46 questionnaire responses were obtained, from 30 countries. The respondents were similar in terms of their institutions, main funding sources, and technology types assessed. Of the 46 respondents, 23 (50%) work for their respective ministry of health. Also, 36 (78%) undertake and/or coordinate HTA through coverage and reimbursement/pricing decisions and other HTA-related activities, while 24 (52%) use HTA for emerging technologies. While some countries in the Region have created formal HTA units, there is a weak link between the HTA process and decision-making. Most of the countries with recognized HTA institutions are members of the Health Technology Assessment Network of the Americas (RedETSA). Despite the advances in the Region overall, most countries in Central America and the Caribbean are still at the early stages of implementing HTA to support decision-making. Conclusions. Many countries in the Americas have benefited from the exchange and capacity-building opportunities within RedETSA. However, there are still many challenges to overcome in the Region in terms of the discussion and creation of HTA-related policies.



Belize: Ministry of Health issues first list of ‘Over the Counter’ Medications for General Use

The Ministry of Health issues the first list of Over the Counter Medications for General Use.

“Note that this is a provisional first list and the Director of Health Services will be reviewing this list continuously while making necessary modifications as we aim to keep the safety of the consumers as our primary principle.”

For more information go to



[Original text in spanish]

The subjects of interest on the part of the Ministry of Health of Panama (MINSA) are focused on the regulation of importation of medicines, the process of issuing the marketing authorization (medicines registry), post-marketing analysis controls, and detection of counterfeit or fraudulent medicines, among other topics will be prioritized during 2018 by Invima.

For more information go to


Paraguay is the 128th member of the WHO Programme for International Drug Monitoring!

Paraguay have become the 128th member of the WHO Programme for International Drug Monitoring!

Currently, 129 countries are full members of the WHO Programme for International Drug Monitoring.

For more information about the Uppsala Monitoring Center go to



Peru’s Ministry of Health will strengthen regulation of generic drugs

Monday, January 15, 2018

With the objective of strengthening the supervision of generic medicines to be of quality, safe and accessible to the population, the Minister of Health, Dr. Abel Salinas Rivas, announced that the general direction of medicines of the Ministry of Health (Minsa) will become a powerful body to regulate the pharmaceutical industry.

For more information go to


WHO Global Benchmarking Tool (GBT) for evaluation of national regulatory systems open for comment until 28 February 2018

The Essential Medicines and Health Products (EMP) Department at WHO released a draft of the WHO Global Benchmarking Tool (GBT) version VI for comment by National Regulatory Authorities at the following link: .  The GBT is a means by which WHO evaluates medicine and vaccine regulatory systems through a comprehensive and systematic benchmarking process.

The revised draft GBT is the result of a collaborative effort between WHO headquarters and the WHO Regional Office for the Americas (PAHO/AMRO) with contributions from other Regional Offices and experts from national regulatory authorities. The tool builds on previous WHO NRA benchmarking tools and includes features of proven benefit such as computerization, categorization of indicators/sub-indicators and inclusion of fact sheets.

GBT draft version VI is open for comment until 28 February 2018. All comments should be sent to Dr Alireza Khadem, Scientist, Regulatory System Strengthening (RSS) team ( using the comments table available under the related links section. The draft tool is presented as consolidated indicators and fact sheets organized by regulatory function, together with a list of references and terminology used in the WHO GBT.


18th International Conference of Drug Regulatory Authorities (ICDRA) in Dublin, Ireland

The 18th International Conference of Drug Regulatory Authorities (ICDRA) is now up and running. Please see the link: which contains all necessary information about the Conference as well as the registration module.

The theme of the conference is: Smart Safety surveillance: A life-cycle approach to promoting safety of medical products.

The 18th ICDRA will facilitate focused discussions on quality issues, regulatory reform and strengthening regulatory systems, safety of medical products, substandard and falsified products, access, regulation of clinical trials, regulatory collaboration, harmonization, convergence and reliance, new technologies, regulation of herbal medicines, etc. It will be held in Dublin, Ireland, on  3 – 7 September 2018.