
ANVISA starts nitrosamine monitoring program

Brazil counts now on the Medicines Nitrosamine Monitoring Special Program, developed by ANVISA to deepen investigation on impurities presence of Nitrosamine in active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and medicines. The focus of such program are medicines of the category known as Sartans, generally used for high blood pressure control.

The program, which might get started in September, will be coordinated by the Agency and developed in two phases, with the collaboration of the National Institute of Quality Control (INCQS/Fiocruz).

Although considered chemical compounds usually found in water, vegetables and other food, in 2018 the N-nitrosamines or nitrosamines were detected in medicines, as result of changes in APIs manufacturing, bringing a global alert about its probable carcinogenic potential for humans.

Therefore, the nitrosamine monitoring program is one more ANVISA’s step towards protecting public health and to ensure quality, efficacy and safe of medicines for human use.


In the first phase of the program, companies interested in participating of the monitoring will be able to voluntarily send samples of medicines and APIs Losartan and Valsartan to the INCQS, which will perform laboratory analysis to identification and quantification of nitrosamines. Such interested companies must fulfill a form with product data, prior to sending it to INCQS.

In the second phase, samples of such products and also of others will be analyzed by ANVISA and by other entities of local (states and municipalities) health surveillance, pursuant to the provided on Law 6.437/1977. The chronogram of analysis of the program estimate investigation of a total of nine active principles up to June 2021.

Origen of nitrosamines

The N-nitrosamines or nitrosamines are compounds usually found in water, smoked food and grilled, dairy and vegetables. Its known that exposition to those compounds within the safe limits represents low risk to health grievances. However, beyond the acceptable levels and for prolonged periods, exposing to nitrosamines may increase the risk of cancer incidence.

In case of medicines, in July 2018, the German Regulatory Agency (Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices – BfArM) and the European Medicines Agency – EMA withdrew the marketing of generics of Valsartan drug when was discovered that changes in manufacturing process of the API Valsartan took to origination of impurity N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) in batches that were produced by a Chinese company.

In the following weeks, it was identified that the API of other manufacturers also had the same impurity. The NDMA is highly toxic, specially to the liver, and recognized as carcinogenic by studies performed in animals, being classified by the International Agency of Cancer Research as probably carcinogenic for humans.

Since those moment, it was observed the occurrence of reports about other APIs, of other therapeutic types, that also are known or suspected pioneers of contain NDMA and other nitrosamines potentially carcinogenic as well.

In Brazil, ANVISA withdrew approximately 200 batches of medicines of Sartanas type. Besides, the Agency suspended the manufacturing, import, supply, marketing and use of APIs with suspect of contamination. In total, were made 14 suspensions of three ingredients.

Check the news on this theme: Approved regulation on nitrosamines


Considering the importance of this theme, ANVISA published, in May 2019, the Resolution of Board Directors (RDC) 283, which established the necessity of the productive sector to investigate, control and eliminate nitrosamines potentially carcinogenic in angiotensin II antagonists receptor, which have vasodilator function in the organism.

Therefore, the special monitoring program started now is a complement to the actions that have been already adopted by the Agency. It is important highlight that the voluntary participation of the interested in the first phase of the program aim to stimulate the adherence of the productive sector to adopt collaborative measures to face the problem.

The design of the program was presented in a meeting with the productive sector, hold on September 16th, 2020.

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WHO: consultation on criteria for listing of COVID-19 vaccines

The World Health Organization has published the consultation on criteria for listing of COVID-19 vaccines at

This document provides advice to manufacturers on both the process and the criteria that will be used by the WHO to evaluate COVID-19 vaccines that are submitted either for prequalification (PQ) or for Emergency Use Listing (EUL). The current status of development of a candidate Covid-19 vaccine, the extent of the available quality, safety and efficacy data and regulatory approvals by relevant NRAs will guide WHO’s decision on which pathway (PQ or EUL) to follow for each vaccine.

Comments are due by 8th October by email at the following address


PUBLIC CONSULTATION: Good Regulatory Practices for regulatory oversight of medical products

The document on Good Regulatory Practices for regulatory oversight of medical products is under public consultation due on 11 September 2020.

Please send your comments to Marie Valentin ( and Carolyn Doucelin (


Further information:


PUBLIC CONSULTATION: Policy on Evaluating and publicly designating regulatory authorities as WHO listed authorities

The draft document on Policy on Evaluating and publicly designating regulatory authorities as WHO listed authorities is under public consultation until 15 September 2020.

Please send your comments to Mohamed Refaat ( e Yvonne Melounou (

Additional information:


PUBLIC CONSULTATION: Good Reliance Practices in regulatory decision-making for medical products

The draft document on Good Reliance Practices in regulatory decision-making for medical products: high level principles and considerations is under public consultation.

Please send your comments to Marie Valentin ( and Carolyn Doucelin ( no later than 18 September 2020.

Further information:


Public Consultation: Recommendations to assure the quality, safety and efficacy of typhoid conjugate vaccines

The draft document on Recommendations to assure the quality, safety and efficacy of typhoid conjugate vaccines  is under public consultation. Comments should be sent to Richard Isbrucker ( no later than 18 September 2020.

Further information:


Public Consultation: WHO Recommendation to assure the quality, safety and efficacy of enterovirus 71 vaccines (inactivated)

The draft document on WHO Recommendation to assure the quality, safety and efficacy of enterovirus 71 vaccines (inactivated)  is under public consultation.

Please send your comments to no later than 2 October 2020.

additional information:


ANVISA: new site to consult the agency’s opinion on marketing authorization processes

As of August 11, the opinions issued by ANVISA in the marketing authorization process are available on the Consultations link on the Anvisa portal ( The document called Public Opinion on Medicinal Evaluation (PPAM, in Portuguese) provides a summary of the technical evaluation, including the reason that led to the approval or disapproval of the registration of a medicine.

According to ANVISA, the essence of the consultation did not change, it was only migrated to a more modern and more agile platform. Thus, it continues to allow searching by name of the drug, active ingredient, category of the drug, type of decision, company and date. In the results, in addition to the evaluation opinion, interested parties will also be able to find information about the medications, such as registered presentations, manufacturing location, use restriction, package insert, among other information.

Additional information here


CECMED and FIFARMA shared the preliminary results of the evaluation of the requirements of Certificate of Pharmaceutical Product for registration

The project  titled “Assessing Certificate of Pharmaceutical Prodcut (CPP) requirements for drug registration processes in the Region of the Americas towards more timely access to medicines and more convergent regulatory approaches” was the first project approved by the Pan American Network for Drug Regulatory Harmonization (PANDRH) Steering Committee to be jointly conducted by a NRA and a pharmaceutical industry association, CECMED (Cuba) and FIFARMA, respectively.

Its preliminary results were presented during the 2020 DIA Global Conference in June, including information of 27 countries of the Americas. The final report is expected for the upcoming months, which will contribute to the ongoing international discussions for the revision of the Certification Scheme on the quality of pharmaceutical products moving in international commerce.

The development of the CPP Project in PANDRH was initially proposed by FIFARMA and promptly sponsored by CECMED. The work and dedication of the Cuban NRA to the Project have been instrumental for the results achieved so far. This level of engagement was only possible because of the endorsement and outstanding collaboration offered by CECMED’s former Director, Dr Rafael Pérez Cristiá, who greatly contributed to global health work, advancing regulatory strengthening and fostering regional cooperation among NRAs in the Region.


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