
Sustainable Health Agenda for the Americas 2018-2030: A call to action for health and well-being in the Americas

The Sustainable Health Agenda for the Americas 2018-2030: A Call to Action for Health and Wellbeing in the Americas  (CSP29/6) represents the health sector response to commitments endorsed by PAHO Member States in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development together with unfinished business from the Millennium Development Goals and the Health Agenda for the Americas 2008-2017 and emerging regional public health challenges. It is operationalized through PAHO’s strategic plans and strategies, as well as through subregional and national health plans.


Universal health: access and coverage for all

Universal health is a flagship initiative of the Pan American Health Organization/WHO Regional Office of the Americas. All the Member States have committed to it through their Strategic Plan for 2014-2019 and their 2014 Strategy for Universal Access to Health and Universal Health Coverage. Universal health means that everyone has access to and is covered by a well-organized and well-financed health system offering quality and comprehensive health services, one that protects people from financial ruin if they need to use these services. This three-minute animation video explains universal health and what it signifies to the Member States as a vehicle for saving and improving lives and helping countries to grow and develop their economies in a sustainable fashion.


Health in the Americas 2017

Since its inception 61 years ago, Health in the Americas has been recognized as the flagship publication of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). It fills a special information niche as a one-of-a-kind report on major progress, challenges, and trends in health in the Region of the Americas.

Historically, Health in the Americas emerged in response to a mandate from the 7th PAHO Directing Council in 1953, in which Member States requested the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau (PAHO’s secretariat) to prepare a periodic report on regional health conditions. Since its groundbreaking edition in 1956, the publication has been issued 15 times.

This latest 2017 edition reflects major innovations in the extension and development of Health in the Americas. We have expanded on the publication’s traditional epidemiological focus to include a new prospective dimension that provides scenarios constructed on the basis of historical trends and anticipated occurrences. Moving beyond merely observing, describing, and explaining past or present events, this edition goes one step further to forecast the future of health in the Region.


Tratamento para câncer de próstata ganha genérico inédito

A Anvisa publicou, nesta segunda-feira (20/11), o registro do medicamento genérico acetato de abiraterona.

O medicamento é utilizado no tratamento de pacientes com câncer de próstata metastático resistente a castração, em combinação com os medicamentos prednisona ou prednisolona. A aprovação do medicamento deve reduzir os custos do tratamento, pois os medicamentos genéricos devem entrar no mercado com um valor pelo menos 35% menor que o valor do produto de referência de acordo com a Lei dos Genéricos.

Até o momento, não havia genéricos do medicamento acetato de abiraterona, que está no mercado com o nome comercial Zytiga, registrado pela empresa Janssen-Cilag Farmacêutica. O medicamento genérico foi registrado pela empresa Dr. Reddys Farmacêutica.

Como o acetato de abiraterona funciona

O acetato de abiraterona inibe seletivamente uma enzima necessária para a produção de androgênios (hormônios sexuais) pelos testículos, glândulas suprarrenais e tumores da próstata. Assim, diminui consideravelmente os níveis destes hormônios, os quais levam à progressão da doença.


Diphenoxylate Hydrochloride and Atropine Sulfate Tablets by Greenstone: Recall – Possible Sub Potent and Super Potent Tablets

The use of this product in patients with uncontrolled diarrhea due to chronic medical conditions may predispose the patient to toxicity from either the diphenoxylate or atropine components. Posted 11/17/2017