CRS facilitates access to WHO recommended cholera vaccine in the Region

On Wednesday, April 25th, the CARPHA/Caribbean Regulatory System (CRS) recommended its first vaccine to CARICOM states for marketing authorization/import permit.
The product, called Euvichol-Plus, is manufactured by EuBiologics Co., Ltd. of South Korea, and is intended to protect against cholera. It is a new type of cholera vaccine that is easier to deliver in challenging field conditions and is much less costly than previous alternatives.
Although cholera is often dealt with in the context of disasters, including recent outbreaks in the CARICOM state of Haiti, an effective vaccine is an important part of a comprehensive prevention package. This vaccine is prequalified by the World Health Organization (WHO) and meets WHO’s high standards for quality, safety and efficacy.
The CRS relied on assessment information confidentially shared by WHO, and verified documentation provided by the manufacturer to ensure it was the same product. This case demonstrates the way the CRS is facilitating access to high quality and life-saving medicines in the region.
In the context of limited human resources and financing in the many small states of CARICOM, the CRS is serving as a mechanism to rely on trusted authorities for their reviews of products regarding safety, quality, and efficacy, and providing a regulatory channel for manufacturers to expeditiously send these same high quality products to the region.