RT @WHO: LIVE from #WHA71: Briefing on health, environment and #ClimateChange pscp.tv/w/bdaN4zI2MTAy…
RT @WHO: LIVE from #WHA71: Briefing on health, environment and #ClimateChange pscp.tv/w/bdaN4zI2MTAy…
RT @WHO: LIVE from #WHA71: Briefing on health, environment and #ClimateChange pscp.tv/w/bdaN4zI2MTAy…
RT @PAHOSuriname: PAHO/WHO Suriname team receives a visit of the new Minister of Health,
Mr. Antoine Elias https://t.co/bTl1UVYCWb
RT @WHO: WHO’s new strategic plan is designed to help the world achieve the Sustainable Development Goals – with a particular focus on ensu…
RT @NCDs_PAHO: Live now!
Connect to the webinar "Core medications for hypertension", with Dr. Patricio López-Jaramillo.
English virtual r…
RT @WHO: "#Brazil has already submitted a list of 10 commitments it’s making on #HealthForAll"—@DrTedros #WHA71
RT @WHO: World Health Assembly delegates agree new five-year strategic plan bit.ly/2kjDdjs #WHA71 #GPW13 https://t.co/4PfJxLv2HO
RT @pahowho_journal: Image of the first issue of the Pan American Journal of Public Health in 1922, when it was called the Pan American Hea…
RT @pahowho_journal: The first issue brought to light the importance of transnational cooperation regarding public health campaigns, urging…
No woman should die from #cervicalcancer. Learn what can be done to prevent it.
Enroll in the new PAHO virtual cou… twitter.com/i/web/status/9…
RT @PAHOWHO_BAH_TCI: Today we celebrate the United Nations International Day of Biodiversity
Restoring ecosystems, reducing pressures on d…