RT @WHO: More than 3000 #adolescents die every day, largely from preventable causes bit.ly/2vikrRQ https://t.co/QieKoDLaVp
RT @WHO: More than 3000 #adolescents die every day, largely from preventable causes bit.ly/2vikrRQ https://t.co/QieKoDLaVp
RT @WHO: More than 3000 #adolescents die every day, largely from preventable causes bit.ly/2vikrRQ https://t.co/QieKoDLaVp
RT @WHO: Investment in #adolescents' health will drive a healthy, prosperous and sustainable society bit.ly/2vikrRQ https://t.co/4…
RT @WHO: #Adolescents are unique, and they need quality health services that recognize this bit.ly/2vikrRQ #HealthForAll https://t…
RT @UNGeneva: Health is a human right.
No one should get sick and die just because they are poor, or because they cannot access the healt…
RT @PAHOemergencies: .@pahowho epidemiological update on #diphtheria – 16 April 2018: bit.ly/2qBTHaa https://t.co/QQXU6gdrYj
RT @pahowho: In the Americas, 3 out of 10 people do not seek health care due to financial reasons … out-of-pocket expenditure for health…
RT @PAHOWHO_BAH_TCI: Healthcare without discrimination, extra expenses and without negative experiences. “Universal Health: everyone, every…
RT @PAHOWHO_BAH_TCI: #UniversalHealth means that all people have access, without any kind of discrimination, to comprehensive quality servi…
RT @PAHOWHO_BAH_TCI: Let’s ensure no one is being left behind. Health care must reach the most disadvantaged: the poorest, the least educat…
Reyna is a 56-year-old #MexicoCity resident who manages a restaurant at a bus terminal in Venustiano Carranza Colon… twitter.com/i/web/status/9…