RT @PAHOWHO_BAH_TCI: Eat right. Stay active. Protect your kidneys https://t.co/nvYxhrDXYB
RT @PAHOWHO_BAH_TCI: Eat right. Stay active. Protect your kidneys https://t.co/nvYxhrDXYB
RT @PAHOWHO_BAH_TCI: Eat right. Stay active. Protect your kidneys https://t.co/nvYxhrDXYB
RT @PAHOWHO_BAH_TCI: Too much salt increases your blood pressure and puts your health at risk.
Eating more than 5 g of salt per day is too…
RT @PAHOWHO_BAH_TCI: We love to enjoy tasty foods in our region. Use herbs and veggies instead of salt when cooking your favourite meal. ht…
What are the key interventions to reduce salt intake in the population?
Today at 1 PM (Washington DC time), join t… twitter.com/i/web/status/9…
Thursday, 15 March, 13.00 PM (EST)
Webinar "Less Salt, More Health" to present present "SHAKE technica… twitter.com/i/web/status/9…
RT @NCDs_PAHO: Applications for the @WHO program #MENTOR_VIP are now open; mentees to be mentored during the 2018-2019 period should appl…
RT @NCDs_PAHO: 📢Just two days for the Webinar "Less Salt, More Health" organized by PAHO-WHO
👉Register at eepurl.com/dnwALH
We will…
Take care of your kidneys!
Do not smoke, eat healthy, maintain a healthy body weight and stay fit & active to preve… twitter.com/i/web/status/9…
RT @pahowho_journal: In 1977, after Alma-Ata, @who allocated $ 1,000,000 from the regular budget to strengthen the EPI @carodanovaro @pahow…
RT @pahowho_journal: Since 1977 Dr. Ciro de Quadros urged each country to establish a national #vaccination program led by a dedicated dire…