FDA alerta os consumidores sobre os kits de teste não autorizados e fraudulentos do COVID-19
Murilo Freitas - 20:43, 20 de março de 2020591
A notícia abaixo está disponível somente no idioma original (inglês)
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: FDA Alerts Consumers About Unauthorized Fraudulent COVID-19 Test Kits
Statement From:
Commissioner of Food and Drugs – Food and Drug Administration
Stephen M. Hahn M.D.
Associate Commissioner for Regulatory Affairs – Office of Regulatory Affairs
Judith A. McMeekin Pharm.D.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is actively and aggressively monitoring the market for any firms marketing products with fraudulent coronavirus (COVID-19) diagnostic, prevention and treatment claims as part of our ongoing efforts to protect public health during this pandemic. As a result of these activities, the agency is beginning to see unauthorized fraudulent test kits that are being marketed to test for COVID-19 in the home.