Report: World health statistics 2018: monitoring health for the SDGs, sustainable development goals
Source: World health statistics 2018: monitoring health for the SDGs, sustainable development goals. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2018. CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.
ISBN: 978-92-4-156558-5
Published online: May 2018
The World Health Statistics series is WHO’s annual snapshot of the state of the world’s health. This 2018 edition contains the latest available data for 36 health-related Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) indicators. It also links to the three SDG-aligned strategic priorities of the WHO’s 13th General Programme of Work: achieving universal health coverage, addressing health emergencies and promoting healthier populations.
The latest data show that:
:: Less than half the people in the world today get all of the essential health services they need.
:: In 2010, almost 100 million people were pushed into extreme poverty because they had to pay for health services out of their own pockets.
:: 13 million people die every year before the age of 70 from cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory disease, diabetes and cancer – most in low and middle-income countries.
:: Every day in 2016, 15 000 children died before reaching their fifth birthday.
:: 303 000 women died due to complications of pregnancy or childbirth in 2015. Almost all of these deaths occurred in low- and middle-income countries (99%). Reducing maternal mortality crucially depends upon ensuring that women have access to quality care before, during and after childbirth.
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