Combat Medical Systems, LLC, Recalls Valkyrie LTOWB Collection, Valkyrie LTOWB Administration, Low Titer Type O FWB Transfusion Set, Fresh Whole Blood Transfusion Set, Fresh Whole Blood Donor Set for Possible Broken or Bent Needles
Combat Medical Systems, LLC, Recalls Valkyrie LTOWB Collection, Valkyrie LTOWB Administration, Low Titer Type O FWB Transfusion Set, Fresh Whole Blood Transfusion Set, Fresh Whole Blood Donor Set for Possible Broken or Bent Needles
Murilo Freitas - 04:00, 17 de marzo de 2021344
Combat Medical convenience kits are used for field typing, blood collection, and blood transfusion. A bent or disconnected needle may prevent the kit from working properly.