
Novis PR LLC Emite Retiro Voluntario de Gotas Pediátricas G-Supress DX Debido a Empaque Incorrecto

San Juan, PR, Novis PR LLC está retirando voluntariamente el lote D20911 Exp 10/25 de gotas pediátricas G-Supress DX a nivel de consumidor. Se ha encontrado que algunas cajas del producto contienen un producto incorrecto en su interior. El producto incorrecto en el interior es un anestésico/analgési


Novis PR LLC Issues Voluntary Recall of G-Supress DX Pediatric Drops Due to Incorrect Packaging

San Juan, PR, Novis PR LLC is voluntarily recalling Lot D20911 Exp 10/25 of G-Supress DX Pediatric Drops to the consumer level. Some cartons of the product have been found to contain incorrect product inside. Incorrect product inside is an anesthetic/analgesic and not a brand of Novis PR LLC.


BearCare Voluntarily Recalls Rechargeable Walnut Thermometer Due to the Potential for Skin Burns

BearCare, Inc. is initiating a voluntary recall of its rechargeable Walnut Wearable Smart Thermometer (Walnut Thermometer) due to reports of injuries, including skin burns, by users. The Walnut Thermometer is an over-the-counter rechargeable device intended for continuous chest temperature monitorin