
QuickFlip 3 – 2-Hole Plate Set, 2-Hole Plate/Burr Hole Cover, and Burr Hole Cover Set, Universal Neuro III – 2-Hole Plate Set, Self-Drilling Screw, 2-Hole Plate Set, With Tab, and Burr Hole Cover, Self-Drilling Screw (2018-05-14)

QuickFlip 3 – 2-Hole Plate Set, 2-Hole Plate/Burr Hole Cover, and Burr Hole Cover Set, Universal Neuro III – 2-Hole Plate Set, Self-Drilling Screw, 2-Hole Plate Set, With Tab, and Burr Hole Cover, Self-Drilling Screw (2018-05-14)


HeartWare HVAD System by Medtronic: Class I Recall – Due to Unintended Intermittent Electrical Disconnection between the Power Source and the Controller

Interruptions to the electrical connection could cause a pump stop. A pump stop could cause patient harm such as exacerbation of heart failure symptoms, or symptoms such as mild weakness, loss of consciousness, or death.