This Medical Product Alert relates to 3 different falsified rabies vaccines (Verorab, Speeda, and Rabipur) and 1 falsified anti-rabies serum (Equirab) circulating in the Philippines. It is linked to the WHO Medical Product Alert N°1/2019 issued on 30 January 2019 regarding falsified Verorab rabies vaccines circulating in the Philippines. Rabies is a vaccine-preventable viral disease that is almost always fatal following the onset of clinical symptoms. Rabies is present worldwide, with over 95% of human deaths occurring in the Asia and Africa regions. Genuine Verorab, Speeda and Rabipur vaccines are used for pre-exposure vaccination or post-exposure prophylaxis. Genuine Equirab anti-rabies serum provides passive immunization against rabies.

WHO recently received confirmation that falsified batches of Verorab, Speeda, Rabipur and Equirab were available at patient level in the Philippines. Investigations are ongoing, and laboratory analyses are being facilitated for available samples to determine their contents and better assess the risk to public health. At this stage, no adverse reactions attributed to the below mentioned falsified products have been reported to WHO. A rabies vaccine shortage is ongoing in the Philippines.