Jamaica: Ministry of Health delivers Complaint Management System

The Standards and Regulations Division of the Ministry of Health, with support from Health Policy Plus (HP+), has published a Complaint Management System (CMS) Manual and Toolkit that is to inform the delivery of health services to the public.
With the Ministry’s increased focus on patient-centred care, the manual forms part of its ongoing efforts to strengthen its Client Complaint Mechanism (CCM) and overall CMS.
- The CMS aims to improve the quality of service delivery in the public health sector by, among other things:
- collecting feedback from internal and external clients;
- providing a means for failures and/or complaints to be investigated; and
- providing redress to clients.
This current manual is now aligned with the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) 9001, Quality Management Systems – Requirements (2008) and outlines clear processes for accessing, documenting, investigating and resolving customer complaints.
It also includes a monitoring and evaluation framework that ensures complaint data is captured for quality improvement activities and programme and policy development.
For more information go to https://www.moh.gov.jm/health-ministry-delivers-complaint-management-system-manual-toolkit/