
Jamaica: Ministry of Health Warns Against the use of Unregistered Cannabis Products for Medical and Therapeutic Purposes

The Ministry of Health is advising the public against the use of unregistered Cannabis Products for medical and therapeutic purposes.

The Ministry of Health recommends that Medical Cannabis products have a maximum Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content of 5% and is concerned about the potential negative public health effects that may arise from the use of unregistered cannabis products of which the (THC) content is unknown. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the main mind-altering ingredient found in the Cannabis plant.

According to the Food and Drugs Act, any substance manufactured, sold or represented for use in the diagnosis, treatment, prevention of a disease, disorder or symptoms is classified as a drug and must be registered, and the requisite permits obtained from the Ministry of Health.

Additionally, the Dangerous Drugs (Amendment) Act, 2015 which has decriminalized ganja for specific purposes, cannabis remains classified as a controlled drug under the Food and Drugs Act (1975).   Also, in accordance with the provisions of the Pharmacy Act, the compounding, dispensing, storing for sale or retailing of drugs must be done at a registered pharmacy and by a registered pharmacist.  Therefore, any company that is currently selling cannabis products for medical and therapeutic purposes is in breach of The Food and Drugs Act (1975) and The Pharmacy Act.

Companies are being advised to consult with the Ministry of Health’s Standards and Regulations Department, Pharmacy Council of Jamaica and the Cannabis Licensing Authority if they wish to manufacture or distribute cannabis products, to ensure that proper standards and procedures are followed and that their operations are in keeping with the relevant laws of Jamaica.

There is a process in place for registration of Medical and Therapeutic Cannabis Product that starts with the application for registration by the Ministry of Health.

The Ministry of Health wishes to reiterate that it does not support, for medicinal and therapeutic purposes, the smoking of cannabis and the use of edibles containing cannabis.



Scholarships available for the one-week course on clinical research in Boston

Use of Big Health Care Data for Clinical Research

Each session’s topic seeks to promote an exchange of knowledge and experiences amongst participants, and to inspire new lines of research across borders.

The speakers are prestigious professors who have extensive teaching and research experience and whose work has been widely published in their respective fields. Sessions are structured around the presentation of articles, case studies, and work of the speakers themselves, presenting reviews of their work and the current state of issues involved.

*Sessions are conducted in English and require active participation of all attendees. Required readings are also in English. For more details or questions, write to:

When: July 23-27, 2018

Where: 29 Oxford Street. Cambridge, MA 02138

Participation Fee: 1,500 USD*

* Fee includes: tuition, curricular materials, and some meals.

Scholarships: A limited number of partial scholarships and full scholarships are available. For partial scholarship recipients IAP will cover 40% of the participation fee (600 USD), and the cost for the recipient will be 900 USD. To apply for a scholarship, please explain in your cover letter in the application form a) your interest in attending the program and b) your reasons for requesting a scholarship.

For more information go to


Webinar RedETSA – “Revisiones rápidas y Evaluación de Tecnologías Sanitarias”

Tenemos el agrado de invitarlos a la 21ra edición del programa de Webinars de RedETSA, el próximo miércoles, 28 de marzo, a las 11hs, horario de Washington DC.

El Dr. Sebastián García Martí, coordinador del departamento de EE y ETS del Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria (IECS), de Argentina, dará una presentación sobre  “Revisiones rápidas y Evaluación de Tecnologías Sanitarias”.

El link de WebEx que utilizaremos es el siguiente:

Por favor, siéntanse libres de difundir esta invitación a todos aquellos a quienes pueda serles de interés.

Enviamos más abajo una tabla con el horario correspondiente a cada país.

Contamos con su presencia.

Saludos cordiales,

Secretariado RedETSA



Agemed prioriza la importación de medicamentos oncológicos para pacientes con cáncer

La Paz – Lunes 26 de Marzo de 2018 | Unidad de Comunicación

El trámite para la importación de medicamentos oncológicos dura 10 días, en el caso de ser refrigerados concluye en 24 horas, informó la directora General Ejecutiva de la Agencia Estatal de Medicamentos y Tecnologías en Salud, María Carrasco.

“Este trámite debe concluir en el lapso de 10 días, a diferencia de otros productos farmacéuticos que por norma duran 30 días”, explicó la autoridad.

De acuerdo con la Ley del Medicamento N. 1737, aprobada en 1996, todos los productos deben cumplir requisitos como el registro sanitario vigente, importación, autorizaciones para despacho aduanero, entre otros.

En Bolivia, los fármacos para tratar el cáncer figuran en el Listado Nacional de Medicamentos Esenciales (Liname), por tanto en la gestión 2017 la Agemed amplió de 38 a 54 los tipos de productos importados.

“Si el medicamento viene refrigerado, ese despacho aduanero se aprueba en 24 horas, normalmente este trámite se extiende por cinco días, pero nosotros buscamos facilitar su acceso a la población”, remarcó.


Actualmente, la dirección de la Agemed no recibió denuncias por desabastecimiento de medicamentos oncológicos en el país.

“Existen 24 empresas habilitadas para la importación de estos fármacos y hasta el momento ninguno manifestó problemas o demoras en sus trámites”, dijo Carrasco.

En ese marco, pidió a los pacientes, establecimientos de salud e instituciones denunciar ante los Servicios Departamentales de Salud (Sedes) y a la propia Agemed alguna carencia o desabastecimiento de estos fármacos, para proceder con la investigación correspondiente.




Webinar: regulation of advanced therapy products [in Portuguese]

[Original text in Portuguese]

Online event will introduce the regulatory concepts for advanced therapy products and Anvisa’s perspectives to the topic.

By: Ascom / Anvisa

Posted: 03/16/2018 11:39

Last Modified: 03/19/2018 08:50

Anvisa will hold a webinar on advanced therapy products next week. These therapies involve products of cellular therapies, technology that use human cells, among others. The event will take place on March 22, at 3:00 p.m.

During the webinar, the Blood, Tissues, Cells and Organs Department will give a presentation on the topic and answer participants’ questions about the regulation of the sector.

The webinar is an online webcast conference where participants can interact through a messaging service, such as a chat, and send questions to the technical panel. The talk transmitted is stored on the Agency’s website and can be accessed at other times for the correction of doubts.

How to participate

To participate, just access the link below on March 22 at 15h.

Link to access event: Regulation of Advanced Therapy Products

The webinar is an initiative of Anvisa’s Knowledge Management area and aims to strengthen the Agency’s active transparency initiatives, bringing updated knowledge to the external public.

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Belize – Unauthorized and suspected falsified Dayamineral ® Syrup 240ml bottle

13th March 2018

Drug Alert No. 1/2018

Dayamineral ® 240ml Syrup

The Ministry of Health would like to inform the public on unauthorized and suspected falsified Dayamineral ® Syrup 240ml bottle that has been found to be circulating the market and has been confiscated. Investigations conducted by the Ministry are indicative that this Dayamineral Syrup found has not been granted entry into the country by the Ministry of Health and the quality may be compromised.


For more information go to



Directora de la OPS presenta en Brasil panorama de la medicina tradicional en las Américas

Río de Janeiro, Brasil, 12 de marzo de 2018 (OPS/OMS)– La directora de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS), Carissa F. Etienne, presentó un panorama sobre la medicina tradicional en la región de las Américas, durante la apertura del 1º Congreso Internacional de Prácticas Integrativas y Salud Pública, que se desarrolla hasta el jueves en Río de Janeiro.

“Acelerar los esfuerzos de los países para lograr la salud universal en 2030 – como se comprometió el mundo en la nueva Agenda de Desarrollo Sostenible – requiere escuchar las voces de las personas, prestar atención a las múltiples formas de entender el mundo en que vivimos, las múltiples culturas y tradiciones, incluida su medicina tradicional”, afirmó Etienne.


For more information go to



Un total de seis alertas sanitarias ha emitido el Instituto Nacional de Vigilancia de Medicamentos y Alimentos (Invima) en el último año sobre el producto Vitacerebrina Francesa, el cual no tiene registro sanitario, por lo cual su comercialización en Colombia es ilegal y se considera fraudulento.

Al desconocerse su composición, este producto puede contener sustancias que afectan la salud e incluso comprometan la vida de quienes lo consumen, por lo cual se ha recomendado a las personas no consumirlo y denunciar los lugares donde es comercializado.

Este producto también se vende bajo varios nombres similares como: Mega Vitacerebrina o Mega Max Vitacerebrina Francesa y usan registros sanitarios falsos para engañar a las personas y hacerles creer que son productos legales. Algunos ejemplos de registros falsos: RSAD12L01632, RSAD15I25638, RSAE 12I11504.

Estos productos son promocionados como alimentos con propiedades medicinales que prometen mejorar el coeficiente intelectual, dar vitalidad, energía y curar enfermedades del hígado, riñones, corazón y hasta el cáncer de mama, según lo publicitan en sus empaques.


Más informaciones por el enlace:,-vitacerebrina-francesa-es-un-producto-fraudulento.html


Gender equality must be at the core of ‘Health for All’

On this International Women’s Day, we imagine a world where every woman and girl has access to quality and affordable health care, a world in which women and girls can freely exercise their sexual and reproductive health rights, and one where all women and girls are treated and respected as equals.




The WHO Regulatory Standards for Vaccines and Biologicals unit opened a public consultation for regulators, manufacturers and other experts. The following document has been posted on the WHO biologicals web site for public comments:

  1. Guidelines for the safe production and quality control of poliomyelitis vaccine

  1. Comment Form

DEADLINE for submission of comments: 04 April 2018